[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Sent to the snap-in's IComponent::Notify or IExtendControlbar::ControlbarNotify when an item in either the scope pane or result view pane is selected.
For IComponent::Notify:
BOOL bSelec = (BOOL) HIWORD(arg);
TRUE if an item in the scope pane is selected.
FALSE if an item in the result view pane is selected.
TRUE if the item is selected.
FALSE if the item is deselected.
For IExtendControlbar::ControlbarNotify:
BOOL bSelect = (BOOL) HIWORD(arg);
TRUE if an item in the scope pane is selected.
FALSE if an item in the result pane is selected.
TRUE if the item is selected.
FALSE if the item is deselected.
pDataobject data object of the item being selected or deselected.
Not used.
When an IComponent::Notify method receives the MMCN_SELECT notification it should update the standard verbs.
When an IExtendControlbar::ControlbarNotify method receives the MMCN_SELECT notification it should update the custom toolbars. On select, it should detach unused toolbars and attach new ones as needed. On deselect, to minimize flashing, it should not detach toolbars; it is best to disable them, but doing nothing on deselect is also acceptable.
Snap-ins should have the ability to create and attach toolbars when they receive a selection notification, regardless of whether the item is in the scope pane or result pane.
IComponent::Notify, IExtendControlbar::ControlbarNotify