
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Enables the snap-in set the result pane's view style.

HRESULT ModifyViewStyle(
  MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE add,  // Styles to be added
  MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE remove  // Styles to be removed


[in] Specifies the view style (or styles) to be set in the result view pane. This value can be a valid combination of the following:
Value Meaning
MMC_SINGLESEL Allows only one item at a time to be selected. By default, multiple items can be selected.
MMC_SHOWSELALWAYS Always show the selection, if any, even if the control does not have the focus.
MMC_NOSORTHEADER Specifies that column headers do not work like buttons. This style is useful if clicking on a column header in report view does not carry out an action, such as sorting.

These values are from the MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE enumeration and correspond to the Win32 LVS_* flags of the same names.

[in] Specifies the view style (or styles) to be removed from the result view pane. This value can be a valid combination of the flags shown for the add parameter shown above. As noted there, these values are from the MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE enumeration and correspond to the Win32 LVS_* flags of the same names.

Return Values

The view style was successfully set.
The view style was not set.
An unexpected error occurred.


This method provides the same functionality for both result view panes and virtual lists.

See Also
