[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Enables the snap-in set the result pane's view style.
HRESULT ModifyViewStyle(
MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE add, // Styles to be added
MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE remove // Styles to be removed
Value | Meaning |
MMC_SINGLESEL | Allows only one item at a time to be selected. By default, multiple items can be selected. |
MMC_SHOWSELALWAYS | Always show the selection, if any, even if the control does not have the focus. |
MMC_NOSORTHEADER | Specifies that column headers do not work like buttons. This style is useful if clicking on a column header in report view does not carry out an action, such as sorting. |
These values are from the MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE enumeration and correspond to the Win32 LVS_* flags of the same names.
This method provides the same functionality for both result view panes and virtual lists.