
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Enables the snap-in to delete a single item in the result view pane.

HRESULT DeleteItem(
  HRESULTITEM itemID,  // Identifier of the item to be deleted
  INT nCol             // Column of a subitem to be deleted


[in] Specifies the unique ID of the item to be deleted.
When applied to virtual lists, pass the item index instead of the itemID.
[in] Not used. Must be zero.

Return Values

The item was successfully deleted.
An unexpected error occurred.
At least one of the parameters is not valid.


DeleteItem removes an item identified by itemID and nCol. If nCol does not equal zero, the subitem identified by itemID and nCol will be cleared of all information. If nCol is equal to zero, the item identified by itemID and all of its subitems will be deleted and removed from the list. If a subitem is deleted, itemID remains a valid identifier. However, if the main item is deleted, itemID can be reassigned by the console to any newly inserted items and should be destroyed or released.

See Also
