Where to Find More Information

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Active Accessibility is part of OLE and other ActiveX™ technologies. You can find information about OLE from the following sources.

OLE Programmer's Reference
This book describes the component object model (COM), in-place activation, visual edition, structured file storage, and application registration in terms of the APIs and interfaces provided by OLE. Volume One provides a complete reference to OLE (Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-628-6). Volume Two covers OLE Automation and programmable applications (Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-629-4).
Inside OLE 2nd Edition by Kraig Brockschmidt.
This book provides a comprehensive tutorial on OLE/COM technology and its implementation. It is an introduction to OLE programming and covers all the basic OLE technologies such as storage, data transfer, OLE Automation, OLE documents and OLE controls. Includes many sample programs on CD-ROM. (Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-843-2)
Inside COM by Dale Rogerson.
This book opens up the secrets of COM programming, for the advanced engineer. Includes many sample programs on CD-ROM. (Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-57231-349-8)
OLE Automation Programmer's Reference
This book provides procedural and reference information on programmable object model design, describes the IDispatch interface, and covers type libraries and exception handling. (Microsoft Press, ISBN 1-55615-851-3)
Microsoft Developer Network
This quarterly subscription service provides a wealth of information on CD-ROM for developers wanting to learn more about Microsoft technologies. MSDN is the official source from Microsoft for comprehensive programming information, development toolkits, and testing platforms. It includes a subscription to Microsoft Developer Network News. Different levels are provided at varying costs. For more information, visit http://www.microsoft.com/msdn/ on the World Wide Web or call (800) 759-5474 (in the United States ).
The Microsoft Network
Microsoft maintains large areas on both of these online services for developers to communicate to each other and to work with Microsoft Developer Support engineers.
The Microsoft Windows Guidelines for Accessible Software Design
This document provides an in-depth overview of disabilities and introduces techniques for making applications accessible. You can find this document on the Microsoft Developer Network or at the following Web site.

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