[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Carries information about a GUI thread.
typedef struct tagGUITHREADINFO {
DWORD cbSize;
DWORD flags;
HWND hwndActive;
HWND hwndFocus;
HWND hwndCapture;
HWND hwndMenuOwner;
HWND hwndMoveSize;
HWND hwndCaret;
RECT rcCaret;
GUI_CARETBLINKING | Represents the caret's blink state. This bit is set if the caret is visible. |
GUI_INMENU | Represents the thread's menu state. This bit is set if the thread is in menu mode. |
GUI_INMOVESIZE | Represents the thread's move state. This bit is set if the thread is in a move or size loop. |
GUI_POPUPMENUMODE | Represents the thread's pop-up menu state. This bit is set if the thread has an active pop-up menu. |
GUI_SYSTEMMENUMODE | Represents the thread's system menu state. This bit is set if the thread is in a system menu mode. |
This structure is used with the GetGUIThreadInfo function to retrieve information about the active window or a specified GUI thread.