
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Retrieves a string containing a sentence that describes the current object.

HRESULT get_accDescription(
  VARIANT varChild,
  BSTR* pszDescription


[in] Value identifying the child whose description will be retrieved. This parameter can be the child ID value (provided by the object), CHILDID_SELF for the object itself, or a string identifying the child (such as "A1").
[out, retval] Address of a BSTR variable that will contain the string describing the specified object.

Return Values

Returns S_OK if successful or E_INVALIDARG or another standard COM error code otherwise.


The object description conveys the object's visual appearance to the user. Visual information is key for graphical objects, like toolbar buttons or images. However, the vendor ultimately determines the level of detail provided. For more information about this property, see Description Property.

Note to implementers Localize this property.