
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Signals the system and accessibility aids that a predefined event occurred.

void WINAPI NotifyWinEvent(
  DWORD event,
  HWND hwnd,
  LONG idObject,
  LONG idChild


Value specifying the event that occurred. This value must be one of the event constants defined in the winable.h header file.
Handle to the window generating the event.
Value identifying the object that generated the event. This value can be one of the predefined object constants or a custom object ID value.
Value identifying the child of the object specified in idObject that is generating the event. This value is CHILDID_SELF if the object itself is generating the event.


An Active Accessibility server application calls this method to notify the system and accessibility aids that a predefined event occurred within the application. This allows accessibility aids to communicate directly with the server object using IAccessible interface methods.

There is no significant performance penalty for calling this function when no clients of the events are present. The system does not perform any thunking for context switches. Server application developers can call this method with their own events without fear of overhead.