Navigation Constants

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The following values (defined in oleacc.h) indicate physical or logical directions when navigating from one location or object to another by using the IAccessible::accNavigate method.

Locations or objects physically below the current one.
Go to the first child of this object.
Go to the last child of this object.
Locations or objects physically to the left of the current one.
The next logical location or object, generally a "sibling" to the current object. This ordering should be the navigational order, although in some cases it can represent logical relationships. It should always seem reasonable to the user. It is not necessarily the indexing order used with child. For example, in a dialog box, the tab key takes you to the next logical control, although this can be represented in any number of different physical directions.
The previous logical location or object. This ordering should be the navigational order, although in some cases it can represent logical relationships. It should always seem reasonable to the user. It is not necessarily the indexing order used with child. In a dialog box, the shift+tab key combination takes you to the previous logical control, although this might be in any number of physical directions visually on the screen. For example, in vertical toolbars, logically the previous button is often the button physically above (NAVDIR_UP) the current one, whereas in horizontal toolbars, logically the previous button is generally the button physically to the left (NAVDIR_LEFT) of the current one.
Locations or objects physically to the right of the current one.
Locations or objects physically above the current one.