
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Retrieves the child ID or IDispatch interface for a range of child objects within an accessible container object.

STDAPI AccessibleChildren(
  IAccessible* paccContainer,
  LONG iChildStart,
  LONG cChildren,
  VARIANT* rgvarChildren,
  LONG* pcObtained


Address of the container object's IAccessible interface.
Value specifying the zero-based index of the first child to be retrieved.
Count of how many children to retrieve. An application can call the IAccessible::get_accChildCount method to retrieve the current count.
Base address of an array of VARIANT structures to be filled by the function. If the vt member of an element is VT_I4, then the lVal member for that element is the child object's ID. If vt is VT_DISPATCH, then the pdispVal member is the address of the child object's IDispatch interface. The vt member can also be a string if the object supports returning strings as child identifiers.
Address of a variable that will contain a value indicating the number of array elements filled.

Return Values

Returns S_OK if successful or a standard COM error code otherwise.

The second parameter passed to this function is an index, not a child ID.

The caller must call the Release method for any IDispatch interfaces retrieved by this function and free the array when it is no longer needed.

See Also

VARIANT Structure, IDispatch Interface