Storing Additional Data in Your Character Definition

You can also store your own data as part of your character. You can use this capability to include special information about your character or other data. Once compiled with the character editor, this information can be accessed at run time when the character is loaded by using the ExtraData property.

To define your own data as part of the character's definition, you must load the character's definition file (.ACD) into a text editor. Then in the DefineCharacter section of the file (between the DefineCharacter and EndCharacter tags), add an entry using the following syntax:

ExtraData = "string"

The string you supply should appear between two double-quotes and can include any characters other than double quotes, provided that the programming language you use to read the data at run time supports them. You can only include a single ExtraData entry, but the string you supply with it can be of any length.

To compile this data with your character, save the file in the original text format and load the character definition file into the character editor. Then build the character following the normal conventions. You can access the data at run time using the ExtraData property.