Adding Microsoft Agent Functionality to Your Application

To access Microsoft Agent services, create an instance of the server and request a pointer to a specific interface that the server supports using the standard COM convention. In particular, the COM library provides an API function, CoCreateInstance, that creates an instance of the object and returns a pointer to the requested interface of the object. Request a pointer to the IAgent interface in your CoCreateInstance call or in a subsequent call to QueryInterface.

The following code illustrates this in C/C++:

hRes = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AgentServer,
                        (LPVOID *)&pAgent);

If the Microsoft Agent server is running, this function connects to the server; otherwise, it starts up the server.

Functions that take pointers to BSTRs allocate memory using SysAllocString. It is the caller's responsibility to free this memory using SysFreeString.