Loading Character and Animation Data

Once you have a pointer to the IAgent interface, you can use the Load method to load a character and retrieve its IDispatch interface:

    // Create a variant to store the full path of the character to load


    vPath.vt = VT_BSTR;
    vPath.bstrVal = SysAllocString(kpwszCharacter);

    // Load the character

    hRes = pAgent->Load(vPath, &lCharID, &lRequestID);

    // Get its IDispatch interface

    hRes = pAgent->GetCharacter(lCharID, &pdCharacter);

You can then use this information to request a pointer to the IAgentCharacter:

    // Query for IAgentCharacter

    hRes = pdCharacter->QueryInterface(IID_IAgentCharacter, (LPVOID *)&pCharacter);

// Release the IDispatch


You can use this interface to access the character's methods:

    // Show the character.  The first parameter tells Microsoft
    // Agent to show the character by playing an animation.

    hRes = pCharacter->Show(FALSE, &lRequestID);

    // Make the character speak

    bszSpeak = SysAllocString(L"Hello World!");

    hRes = pCharacter->Speak(bszSpeak, NULL, &lRequestID);


When you no longer need Microsoft Agent services, such as when your client application shuts down, release its interfaces. Note that releasing the character interface does not unload the character. Call the Unload method to do this before releasing the IAgent interface:

// Clean up

if (pCharacter) {

    // Release the character interface


    // Unload the character.  NOTE:  releasing the character
    // interface does NOT make the character go away.  You must
    // call Unload.

// Release the Agent

