
IAgentPropertySheet defines an interface that allows applications to set and query properties for the Microsoft Agent property sheet (window).

Methods in Vtable Order

IAgentPropertySheet Methods Description
GetVisible Returns whether the Microsoft Agent property sheet is visible.
SetVisible Sets the Visible property of the Microsoft Agent property sheet.
GetPosition Returns the position of the Microsoft Agent property sheet.
GetSize Returns the size of the Microsoft Agent property sheet.
GetPage Returns the current page for the Microsoft Agent property sheet.
SetPage Sets the current page for the Microsoft Agent property sheet.


BSTR * pbszPage  // address of variable for current property page

Retrieves the current page of the Microsoft Agent property sheet.


Address of a variable that receives the current page of the property sheet (last viewed page if the window is not open). The parameter can be one of the following:

"Speech" The Speech Recognition page.
"Output" The Output page.
"Copyright" The Copyright page.

See also IAgentPropertySheet::SetPage


HRESULT GetPosition(
   long * plLeft,  // address of variable for left edge of property sheet
   long * plTop    // address of variable for top edge of property sheet

Retrieves the Microsoft Agent's property sheet window position.


Address of a variable that receives the screen coordinate of the left edge of the property sheet in pixels, relative to the screen origin (upper left).


Address of a variable that receives the screen coordinate of the top edge of the property sheet in pixels, relative to the screen origin (upper left).

See also IAgentPropertySheet::GetSize


   long * plWidth,  // address of variable for property sheet width
   long * plHeight  // address of variable for property sheet height

Retrieves the size of the Microsoft Agent property sheet window.


Address of a variable that receives the width of the property sheet in pixels, relative to the screen origin (upper left).


Address of a variable that receives the height of the property sheet in pixels, relative to the screen origin (upper left).

See also IAgentPropertySheet::GetPosition


HRESULT GetVisible(
   long * pbVisible  // address of variable for property sheet
);                   // Visible setting

Determines whether the Microsoft Agent property sheet is visible or hidden.


Address of a variable that receives TRUE if the property sheet is visible and FALSE if hidden.

See also IAgentPropertySheet::SetVisible


   BSTR bszPage  // current property page

Sets the current page of the Microsoft Agent property sheet.


A BSTR that sets the current page of the property. The parameter can be one of the following.

"Speech" The Speech Recognition page.
"Output" The Output page.
"Copyright" The Copyright page.

See also IAgentPropertySheet::GetPage


HRESULT SetVisible(
   long bVisible  // property sheet Visible setting 

Sets the Visible property for the Microsoft Agent property sheet.


Visible property setting. A value of TRUE displays the property sheet; a value of FALSE hides it.

See also IAgentPropertySheet::GetVisible