
The IWEExtendPropertySheet::CreatePropertySheetPages method creates property pages and adds them to a Cluster Administrator property sheet.

HRESULT CreatePropertySheetPages(
  IUnknown *piData,                      
  IWCPropertySheetCallback *piCallback   


[in] Pointer to an IUnknown interface implementation that can be used to obtain pointers to interface implementations relating to objects on the Cluster Administrator context menu. When Cluster Administrator uses piData to call IUnknown::QueryInterface, it should be able to retrieve a pointer to these interfaces:




Depending on the type of object related to the context menu, an extension should also make a pointer available to one of these interfaces:

IGetClusterNodeInfo, if a node is being extended.

IGetClusterGroupInfo, if a group is being extended.

IGetClusterResourceInfo, if a resource is being extended.

[in] Pointer to an IWCPropertySheetCallback interface implementation for adding the new property pages to the property sheet.

Return Values

The operation was successful.
One or both of the parameters was invalid.
The operation failed due to insufficient memory.
A property page could not be created.
The extension does not support adding property pages.

If the operation was unsuccessful, CreatePropertySheetPages can also return an OLE-defined error value.


Cluster Administrator calls an extension's IWEExtendPropertySheet::CreatePropertySheetPages method to extend a property sheet to handle an additional node, group, resource, or resource type.

Notes to Implementers

    For each property page to be added
  1. Call the IUnknown::QueryInterface method of the interface pointed to by piData to retrieve a pointer to an interface implementation providing information about the cluster component associated with the sheet.
  2. Call the Win32 function CreatePropertySheetPage to create the page.
  3. Call the AddPropertySheetPage method of the IWCPropertySheetCallback interface pointed to by piCallback to add the page to the property sheet.

Each new property page should be no larger than 252 dialog units wide and 218 dialog units high and contain two standard controls:

These guidelines result in extension pages having a similar appearance to the pages provided by Cluster Administrator.


  Version: Use Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition 4.0.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in cluadmex.h.