
The IGetClusterResourceInfo::GetResourceNetworkName method retrieves the name of the first Network Name resource on which a resource depends, whether the dependency is direct or indirect.

BOOL GetResourceNetworkName(
  LONG lObjIndex,    
  BSTR lpszNetName,  
  ULONG *pcchNetName 


[in] A number representing the zero-based index of the target resource. The target resource may or may not depend on a Network Name resource. At present, lObjIndex is restricted to the number that can be retrieved by calling IGetClusterDataInfo::GetObjectCount.
[out] Pointer to the name of the Network Name resource upon which the resource indexed by lObjIndex depends.
[in, out] Pointer to the maximum count in characters of the buffer pointed to by lpszNetName. On input, this value should be large enough to contain MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 characters. On output, pcchNetName points to the actual number of characters copied to the contents of lpszNetName.

Return Values

The resource indexed by lObjIndex has a dependency on a Network Name resource and the name of the resource was successfully returned.
The resource indexed by lObjIndex does not have a dependency on a Network Name resource.


The IGetClusterResourceInfo::GetResourceNetworkName method is necessary to allow Cluster Administrator extension property pages to determine whether a resource has an existing or a pending dependency on a Network Name resource.

MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH is a constant defined in the Win32 header file WINBASE.H.


  Version: Use Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition 4.0.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in cluadmex.h.