RestartThreshold Property for Resources

The RestartThreshold property describes the limit of local retries for the resource within a window defined by the RestartPeriod property before the Cluster Service initiates the action specified by the RestartAction property.

Quick Info

Access: Read/write
Function: ClusterResourceControl


When ClusterResourceControl processes the CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_GET_COMMON_PROPERTIES control code, it returns a property list that includes the RestartThreshold property as one of the entries. The property value portion of the entry contains a CLUSPROP_DWORD structure that is set as follows:

DWORD RestartThresholdData = 5;
CLUSPROP_DWORD RestartThresholdValue;
RestartThresholdValue.Syntax = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_LIST_VALUE_DWORD;
RestartThresholdValue.cbLength = sizeof(DWORD);
RestartThresholdValue.dw = RestartThresholdData;

The RestartThreshold and RestartPeriod properties work together as follows. If, for example, the RestartThreshold property is set to two retry attempts and the RestartPeriod property is set to 200 milliseconds, then a system can tolerate two failures on the resource within any 200 millisecond interval. On the third failure within the window, the Cluster Service will attempt to move the group that contains the failed resource to another node. More than three failures can occur, as long as they occur over an interval that is greater than 200 milliseconds.

If the RestartThreshold property is not specified, the Cluster Service will initiate the action specified by the RestartAction property after three retry attempts.


  Version: Use Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition 4.0.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in clusapi.h.