Name Property for Network Names

The Name property provides the name of the Network Name resource.

Quick Info

Type: Null-terminated Unicode string
Access: Read-only
Status: Required
Function: ClusterResourceControl
Structure: CLUSPROP_SZ


In every cluster, there are two types of Network Name resources:

The core Network Name resource belongs to the cluster group and provides the cluster name. Without it the cluster cannot operate.

Non core Network Name resources belong to other groups, groups that can be taken offline and not affect cluster operation.

When ClusterResourceControl processes the CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_GET_RO_PRIVATE_PROPERTIES control code, it returns a property list that includes the Name property as one of the entries. The property value portion of the entry contains a CLUSPROP_SZ structure that is set as follows:

LPCWSTR NameData = L "Redmond Cluster";
NameValue.cbLength = sizeof(NameData);
lstrcpyW(, NameData);

All Network Name resources have a required dependency on an IP Address resource.

To set the Name property for the core Network Name resource, applications must call the Cluster API function SetClusterName.