
The PauseClusterNode function requests that a node temporarily suspend its cluster activity.

DWORD WINAPI PauseClusterNode(
  HNODE hNode  


[in] Handle to the node to suspend activity.

Return Values

The operation was successful.

If the operation was unsuccessful, PauseClusterNode returns a Win32 error value.


When a node temporarily suspends its cluster activity, groups cannot be moved to the node. Furthermore, groups that would normally failover to the node cannot do so when it is in the paused state.

Groups that are owned by a paused node remain owned by the node. A paused node's groups and resources can be taken offline, but they cannot be brought online. Because the paused state is persistent, a paused node that is rebooted continues to be paused when it comes back up.

A paused node is said to be in the ClusterNodePaused state.


  Version: Use Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition 4.0.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in clusapi.h.