Resource Management Functions

The resource management functions in the Cluster API allow callers to perform a wide variety of operations on one or more resources. For example, resource management functions enable callers to retrieve information about dependencies, to create and delete resources, and to initiate an operation defined with one of the many resource control codes.

The following functions manage resources in a cluster:

Function Description
AddClusterResourceDependency Creates a dependency relationship between two resources.
AddClusterResourceNode Adds a node to the list of possible nodes that a resource can run on.
CanResourceBeDependent Determines if one resource can be dependent upon another resource.
ChangeClusterResourceGroup Moves a resource from one group to another.
CloseClusterResource Closes a resource by invalidating its handle, a handle returned from either OpenClusterResource or CreateClusterResource.
ClusterResourceCloseEnum Closes a resource enumerator object by invalidating its handle, a handle returned from ClusterResourceOpenEnum.
ClusterResourceControl Initiates an operation affecting a resource.
ClusterResourceEnum Enumerates a resource's dependent resources and/or nodes, returning the name of one object with each call.
ClusterResourceOpenEnum Opens an enumerator for iterating through a resource's dependencies and nodes.
CreateClusterResource Creates a resource in a cluster.
DeleteClusterResource Removes an offline resource from a cluster.
FailClusterResource Initiates a resource failure.
GetClusterResourceState Returns the current state of a resource.
OfflineClusterResource Takes an online resource offline.
OnlineClusterResource Takes an offline resource online.
OpenClusterResource Opens a resource and returns a handle to it.
RemoveClusterResourceDependency Removes a node from the list of nodes that can host a resource.
RemoveClusterResourceNode Removes a dependency relationship between two resources.
SetClusterResourceName Sets the name for a resource.