Debugging a Cluster Administrator Extension DLL

    To debug a Cluster Administrator extension DLL
  1. Run the MSDEV debugger and load the project workspace that contains your Cluster Administrator extension DLL project.
  2. Select the Win32® Debug version of your Cluster Administrator extension DLL project.
  3. Select Settings from the Build menu.
  4. Select the entry that represents the Win32 Debug version of your Cluster Administrator extension DLL project in the Settings For list box.
  5. Select the Debug tab to switch to the Debug property page.
  6. Type the full path to Cluster Administrator (typically c:\winnt\cluster\cluadmin.exe) in the Executable for debug session and press the OK button.
  7. Set a breakpoint in the project, such as at the OnInitDialog method for the parameter page in the resprop.cpp source file.
  8. Start Cluster Administrator in the debugger by pressing f5.
  9. View the properties of a resource of the type supported by your Cluster Administrator extension DLL.
  10. Select the Parameters tab to switch to the parameters page. This should cause the debugger to halt at the breakpoint set above in step 7.

The debugger should also halt when you create a new resource of the type supported by your extension DLL.

Note Warning: If you are not running the Cluster Service interactively (that is, from the command line), trying to debug a resource DLL with the MSDEV debugger will cause the appearance of error popup dialogsr.