Preparing a Build Environment
To prepare your environment for building and debugging resource DLLs or Cluster Administrator extension DLLs, you must correctly set the PATH, INCLUDE, and LIB environment variables and check for the existence of required libraries. Complete the following checklist to prepare your build environment:
Verify that you have set your PATH, INCLUDE, and LIB environment variables to include the appropriate directories in the correct order. The Microsoft® Developer Studio™ bin, include, and lib directories must appear first in the lists of directories for the corresponding PATH, INCLUDE, and LIB environment variables.
Set the PATH environment variable to a path that includes as its first directory the Developer Studio binary directory. This is typically c:\msdev\bin.
Set the INCLUDE environment variable to a path that includes these directories in the following order:
Developer Studio directory containing header files, typically c:\msdev\include.
Directory containing the CLUSAPI.H header file.
Directory containing the Active Template Library (ATL) source files and header files, typically c:\msdev\atl.
Set the LIB environment variable to a path that includes as its first directory the Developer Studio library directory. This is typically c:\msdev\lib.
Check that you have installed the Unicode version of MFC; this library is required for building the Cluster Administrator extension DLL.
Check that you have the DebugEx Cluster Administrator extension DLL available in your cluster directory.
Note It is common to set your environment variables during the installation process for Microsoft Developer Studio. However, they can also be set by running VCVARS32.BAT from the BIN directory under the root of your development environment. Running VCVARS32.BAT is only necessary if you want to build from the command line rather than from within Developer Studio.