Building a Custom Resource Type

After you have created a project for your new resource type, attempt to build it. Use the Win32® Debug option if you would like debug versions of your DLLs and the Win32 Release option if you prefer release versions. You can build your DLLs from within Microsoft® Developer Studio™ or from the command line with the following commands:

nmake /a /f project.mak CFG="ResourceType - Win32 Version"
nmake /a /f project.mak CFG="ResourceTypeEx - Win32 Version"

Substitute the name of your project's makefile for project.mak. Substitute the name of your new resource type for ResourceType and then append an "Ex" to the resource type for ResourceTypeEx. For example, if you name your new resource TestDB, set ResourceType to TestDB and ResourceTypeEx to TestDBEx. Specify Debug or Release for the version.

If either of your build attempts fail, recheck that your environment variables are assigned correctly. See Preparing a Build Environment for a detailed description of how to set these variables.