The CLUS_RESOURCE_CLASS_INFO structure contains resource class data. The CLUS_RESOURCE_CLASS_INFO structure is defined in CLUSAPI.H.

typedef struct _CLUS_RESOURCE_CLASS_INFO {
    union {
        struct {
            union {
                DWORD                   dw;
                CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CLASS  rc;
            DWORD           SubClass;
        ULARGE_INTEGER      li;


Resource class described as numeric data.
Resource class described with one of the following values:
Resource class value Description
CLUS_RESCLASS_UNKNOWN Resource class is unknown.
CLUS_RESCLASS_STORAGE Resource is a storage device, such as a physical disk.
CLUS_RESCLASS_USER Resource classes beginning at this value are user-defined.
Value that is specific to the class of resource and that further describes the resource class. The following value is valid for storage class resources such as Physical Disk resources:


Setting SubClass to CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_SHARED indicates that the resource manages a shared resource such as a disk on a shared SCSI bus.

Resource class and subclass described as a ULARGE_INTEGER value with a low DWORD and a high DWORD.


A resource class identifies resources of similar capability. A resource DLL that defines its own resource class should provide a unique identifier for the class that is set to a value greater than CLUS_RESCLASS_USER. CLUS_RESCLASS_USER specifies the beginning for user-defined resource class identifiers. To obtain a resource class identifier from Microsoft that is guaranteed to be unique, resource DLL writers send mail to with the following information:

A CLUS_RESOURCE_CLASS_INFO structure is the data member of a CLUSPROP_RESOURCE_CLASS_INFO structure.

A CLUS_RESOURCE_CLASS_INFO structure can be returned by ClusterResourceControl when the dwControlCode parameter is set to CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_GET_CLASS_INFO and by ClusterResourceTypeControl when dwControlCode is set to CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_TYPE_GET_CLASS_INFO.

Because the CLUS_RESOURCE_CLASS_INFO structure describes data rather than a value, it does not include a value header.