Property List Utility Functions

The following table describes the utility functions that can be used with property lists:

Function Description
ResUtilAddUnknownProperties Adds unknown properties for a given object to the end of a property list.
ResUtilEnumPrivateProperties Enumerates private properties of a resource.
ResUtilEnumProperties Enumerates the properties of a resource.
ResUtilFindDwordProperty Locates a numeric property in a property list.
ResUtilFindSzProperty Locates a string property in a property list.
ResUtilGetAllProperties Returns all of the default and unknown properties for a resource.
ResUtilGetPrivateProperties Returns the private properties of a cluster object.
ResUtilGetProperties Returns specified properties for a resource.
ResUtilGetPropertiesToParameterBlock Returns properties and stores them in a parameter block.
ResUtilPropertyListFromParameterBlock Constructs a property list from a parameter block.
ResUtilSetPrivatePropertyList Sets private properties of a resource.
ResUtilVerifyPrivatePropertyList Validates private properties of a resource.