
The ResUtilAddUnknownProperties utility function adds unknown properties for a given object to the end of a property list. Unknown properties are properties that are specific to a resource, but foreign to the resource DLL.

DWORD WINAPI ResUtilAddUnknownProperties(
  PVOID ClusterKey,
  const PRESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM PropertyTable,
  PVOID OutBuffer,  
  DWORD OutBufferSize,  
  LPDWORD BytesReturned,  
  LPDWORD Required  


[in] Pointer to the cluster database key that identifies the location for the properties to add.
[in] Pointer to an array of RESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM structures describing known properties.
[in, out] Pointer to a property list. The unknown properties are appended to this list.
[in] Size of the property list pointed to by OutBuffer.
[in, out] On input, pointer to the number of bytes in use in the property list pointed to by OutBuffer. On output, pointer to the total number of bytes in the property list pointed to by OutBuffer.
[in, out] Pointer to the required number of bytes if the property list is too small to hold the unknown properties.

Return Values

The unknown properties were added successfully.
There was an error allocating memory.

If the operation was unsuccessful, ResUtilAddUnknownProperties can also return a Win32® error value.

Notes to Callers

ResUtilAddUnknownProperties supports unknown properties by reading them directly from the cluster database without involving the resource DLL, thereby allowing a resource to be extended by another resource or an application. Unknown properties are considered private properties; unknown common properties are disallowed.


  Version: Use Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition 4.0.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in clusapi.h.