[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The ODBCInstall action installs the drivers, translators, and data sources in the ODBCDriver table, ODBCTranslator table, and ODBCDataSource table. If a driver or translator already exists, the action will make SQL calls necessary to carry out their installation.
The ODBCInstall action queries the ODBCDataSource table and the ODBCSourceAttribute table for each data source to be installed and the attributes of the data source. The action queries the ODBCDriver table and the ODBCTranslator table for each driver and translator selected for installation. It queries the ODBCAttribute table for the attributes of the drivers and translators.
This action does not copy or remove files and therefore must come after actions that copy or remove files.
The ODBC Driver Manager must be authored in the installer package and a component included named ODBCDriverManager. The manager will be installed if necessary. If this component must have another name, a property with the name ODBCDriverManager must contain the name of the component.