WriteIniValues Action

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The WriteIniValues action writes .ini file information that the application needs to write in .ini files. The writing of the information is gated by the Component table. A .ini value is written if the corresponding component has been set to be installed either locally or run from source.

Database Tables Queried

IniFile Table

Component Table

IniFile.FileName The .ini file name in which the value is written.
IniFile.Directory_ Directory for the .ini file. This is a foreign key into the Directory table.
IniFile.Section The .ini file section.
IniFile.Key The .ini file key under the section.
IniFile.Value Value to be written.
IniFile.Action How the value is to be written. For more information, see the IniFile table.
Component.Action Action field from the Component table for the component record corresponding to IniFile.Component_. Must be either:

iisLocal = 1: Item is to be installed locally (item is currently uninstalled or installed from run from source).

iisSource = 2: Item is to be installed from run from source (item is currently uninstalled or installed locally).

Properties Used


Sequencing Restrictions

The InstallValidate action must come before the WriteIniValues action. If there is a RemoveIniValues action in the sequence, then it must come before the WriteIniValues action.