Custom Action Return Values

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Your custom actions must return the following values. These return values determine the course for further execution. DLL and script actions return the full set of return values. EXE processes and the setting of directories from formatted text can only indicate success or failure return values.

Return value Description
ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_CALLED Action is not found.
ERROR_SUCCESS Action is completed successfully.
ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT User terminates the action during the action execution.
ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND User suspends the installation.
ERROR_MORE_DATA Action skips remaining actions; not an error.
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE_STATE Installation session is not active.
ERROR_INVALID_DATA Call to custom action fails.
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Arguments are invalid.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Arguments are invalid.