Dialog for Suspending the Rollback of Failed Installs

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

    To display a dialog box presenting the option to suspend the automatic rollback of a failed or cancelled installation
  1. Use the authoring capabilities of the installer to set the ALLOWSUSPEND property.
  2. Following a failed or cancelled installation, and before the final exit dialog, the installer will display a error dialog box giving the option of suspending the automatic rollback of a failed or cancelled install.
  3. Selecting to suspend the rollback in this dialog allows the pending installation to be continued at a later time. Rejecting to suspend rollback results in a rollback of the pending installation.
  4. When continuing the suspended install at a later time, you must use a command line that is identical to the command line of the first install.

The default for not setting the ALLOWSUSPEND property is to not display the dialog box and to continue with an automatic rollback of a failed or cancelled installation.