Browse Dialog

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

You can use this dialog box to select a directory, though the directory does not have to exist.

The dialog box typically contains the following controls:

The preceding three controls are connected to the same property (possibly indirectly). The property is the path being selected.

The DirectoryCombo control specifies, with its stylebits, the volume types that are displayed. On a typical Browse dialog box, probably all types should be turned on.

The dialog box typically also contains three PushButton controls, that serve as Up One Level, New Folder, and Open buttons. The buttons subscribe to the DirectoryListUp, DirectoryListNew, and DirectoryListOpen control events respectively, using the ControlEvent Table.

If the dialog box is designed to search for existing folders only, the New Folder button can be omitted.

When this dialog box is authored, the "NewFolder" string must be defined in the UIText Table.