[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
This modal dialog box enables the user to select individual items. The dialog box contains a SelectionTree control that displays the main information. This control publishes several events that change the display on other controls of the dialog box. Typically there are four Text controls subscribing to the SelectionAction, SelectionDescription, SelectionSize, and SelectionPath events using the Text control attribute. There is also a control that subscribes to the SelectionIcon event through the ImageHandle attribute. The above controls use the EventMapping Table to specify these subscriptions. There is also a PushButton that subscribes to the SelectionBrowse event using the ControlEvent Table and giving the name of the Browse dialog as the parameter. When a SelectionTree control is authored, the AbsentPath, SelAbsentAbsent, SelAbsentLocal, SelAbsentCD, SelAbsentNetwork, SelLocalAbsent, SelLocalLocal, SelLocalCD, SelLocalNetwork, SelCDAbsent, SelNetworkAbsent, SelCDLocal, SelNetworkLocal, SelCDCD, SelNetworkNetwork, SelChildCostPos, SelChildCostNeg, SelParentCostPosPos, SelParentCostPosNeg, SelParentCostNegPos, SelParentCostNegNeg, MenuAbsent, MenuLocal, MenuCD, MenuNetwork strings must be specified in the UIText table. The selection tree gets populated only if the CostInitialize and CostFinalize actions were all previously called.