Installation Procedure Tables Group

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The tables in the Installation Procedure group control tasked performed during the installation by standard actions and custom actions.

Some of the tables in this group control a high level action by providing a sequence of actions. Each of the following sequence tables controls a portion of a high level action.

There may be situations in which an installation needs to do something that is not possible using only standard actions. To provide the greatest degree of flexibility, the installer provides setup authors the ability to create their own custom actions. If you have any custom actions, you should register them with the installer by populating the CustomAction Table.

Developers of installer packages will populate the Upgrade Table to create an installer package that upgrades an existing product.

The following tables extend the installer's capabilities to manipulate files and folders during the installation.

To set up necessary conditions that must be met to initiate the installation populate the LaunchCondition table.