[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The property value denotes a list of file keys, delimited by commas, that are to be installed to run from the source media. Specifically, for each listed file key, the installer determines the component that controls that file, then examines all features linked (via the FeatureComponents table) to that component, and installs the "cheapest" feature (i.e. the feature that would require the least amount of disk space to install). The file keys listed must be found in the File column of the File table.

Set By

Command line.

Used By

MsiEngine uses this property to determine which feature(s) will be installed to run from source, based on the specified file key(s).

Default Value



Note that the file key names are case-sensitive. Also note that if the RunFromSource column of the Component table for a component has a value of irsLocalOnly then the component will be installed to run locally.