LOGMODE Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

A string containing letters that specify which messages are to be written to the log file. Options are case-insensitive and order-independent.

Set By

Command line.

Used By

MsiEngine uses this value to initialize logging for the various message types, but only if the LOGFILE property is defined.

Default Value

None. Internal default log options, "ewarim", are used if this property is undefined.

Log Option Codes - for message types:

i (imtInfo) Informational-only messages
w (imtWarning) Warning messages, not fatal
e (imtError) Error messages, may be fatal
f (imtFilesInUse) List of files in use that need to be replaced
a (imtActionStart) Start of action notification
r (imtActionData) Action data record, contents action-specific
u (imtUser) User request messages
c (imtCommonData) Common Data messages
m (imtOutOfMemory) Out of memory messages
p Dump property table, "property = value" at MsiEngine.Terminate
+ Append to existing logfile

For an example of using the LOGMODE property, see Command Line Options.