[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

A string containing a list of transforms to be applied to the database.

Set By

Command line.

Used By

MsiEngine uses this value to transform the database.

Default Value



Transforms will be applied in the order they are listed in the string. To specify multiple transforms, separate each with a semi-colon (;).

Transforms can reside in three locations. The format for specifying the transforms varies based on its location:

Location Format
file filename
child storage in database :transformname

Since the list delimiter for transforms, sources and patches is a semicolon, this character should not be used for these filenames or paths.


Suppose the following transforms need to be applied:

The string would be: c:\transforms\trans1;:trans2

The TRANSFORMS property is applied only during the installation or advertisement of a product. Since the installer must use the same transform for later maintenance of the product, the TRANSFORMS property can't be set in maintenance mode.