Template Summary Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Template summary indicates the platform and language versions supported by the database.

The syntax of the Template summary info property is:

[platform property][,platform property][,...];[language id][,language id][,...].

For example, the following are all valid values for the Template Summary property:

If the current platform doesn't match one of the platforms specified then the installer will not process the package. Not specifying a platform implies that the package is platform-independent.

Specifying a language ID of 0 indicates that a package is language-neutral.

There are variations of this property depending on whether it is in a source installer database or a transform.

Source Installer Database
In a source installer database any number of languages may be specified. If more than one language is specified then a multi-language install will be done. Listing only one language specifies a single-language install.
In a transform file only one language may be specified. The specified platform and language are used to determine whether a transform can be applied to a particular database. The platform property and the language property can be left blank if no transform restriction relies on them to validate the transform.