Signature Table

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Signature table holds the information that uniquely identifies a file signature.

The Signature table has the following columns.

Column Type Key Nullable
Signature Identifier Y N
FileName Text N
MinVersion Text Y
MaxVersion Text Y
MinSize DoubleInteger Y
MaxSize DoubleInteger Y
MinDate DoubleInteger Y
MaxDate DoubleInteger Y
Languages Text Y


The Signature represents a unique file signature.
The name of the file.
The minimum version of the file. If specified, the file under inspection must have a version that is at least equal to MinVersion.
The maximum version of the file. If specified, the file under inspection must have a version that is at most equal to MaxVersion.
The minimum size of the file. If specified, the file under inspection must have a size that is at least equal to MinSize.

Non-negative numbers only.

The maximum size of the file. If specified, the file under inspection must have a size that is at most equal to MaxSize.

Non-negative numbers only.

The minimum creation date of the file. If specified, the file under inspection must have a creation date that is at least equal to MinDate.

Non-negative numbers only.

The maximum creation date of the file. If specified, the file under inspection must have a creation date that is at most equal to MaxDate.

Non-negative numbers only.

The languages supported by the file.


The signature is searched for using the RegLocator table, the IniLocator table, the CompLocator table, and the DrLocator table. This table's columns are generally not localized. If an author decides to search for products in multiple languages, then there can be a separate entry included in the table for each language.