Verb Table

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Verb table contains command-verb information associated with file extensions that must be generated as a part of the product advertisement. Each row generates a set of registry keys and values.

The Verb table has the following columns.

Column Type Key Nullable
Extension_ Text Y N
Verb Text Y N
Sequence Integer Y
Command Formatted Y
Argument KeyFormatted Y


The extension associated with the table row.

External key to column one of the Extension table.

The verb for the command.
The sequence that the commands should appear in. Only verbs for which the Sequence column is non-Null are used to prepare an ordered list for the default value of the shell key.
The command text.
Value for the command arguments.


This table is referred to when the RegisterExtensionInfo action or the UnregisterExtensionInfo action is executed.