ProgId Table

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The ProgId table contains information for program IDs and version independent program IDs that must be generated as a part of the product advertisement.

The ProgId table has the following columns.

Column Type Key Nullable
ProgId Text Y N
ProgId_Parent Text Y
Class_ GUID Y
Description Text Y
Icon_ Identifier Y
IconIndex Integer Y


The program ID or version independent program ID.
Defined only for version independent program IDs. To define a version independent program ID, place the corresponding ProgID in the Parent column.
Optional. A foreign key into the Class table. This column must be Null for a version independent ProgId.
Optional, localized description of the associated program ID.
Optional. A foreign key into the Icon table specifying the icon file associated with this ProgId. This is written under the DefaultIcon key associated with this ProgId. This column must be Null for a version independent ProgId.
The Icon index into the icon file. This column must be Null for a version independent ProgId.