IniFile Table

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The IniFile table contains the .ini information that the application needs to set in an .ini file.

The IniFile table has the following columns.

Column Type Key Nullable
IniFile Identifier Y N
FileName Text N
Directory_ Identifier Y
Section Formatted N
Key Formatted N
Value Formatted N
Action Integer N
Component_ Identifier N


The key for this table.
The name of the .ini file in which to write the information.
External key into the Directory table indicating the directory in which the .ini file is located.

External key to column one of the Directory table.

The .ini file section.
The .ini file key within the section.
The value to be written.
The type of modification to be made.
This value Indicates this action
0 Creates or updates a .ini entry.
1 Creates a .ini entry only if the entry does not already exist.
3 Creates a new entry or appends a new comma-separated value to an existing entry.

External key into the Component table referencing the component that controls the installation of the .ini value.

External key to column one of the Component table.


The .ini file information is written out when the corresponding component has been selected to be installed, either locally or run from source.

This table is referred to when the WriteIniValues action or the RemoveIniValues action is executed.