ControlEvent Table
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The ControlEvent table allows the author to specify exactly what should happen when the user interacts with any control within a dialog. For example, a click of a pushbutton can be defined to trigger a transition to another dialog, to exit a dialog sequence, or to begin file installation.
The ControlEvent table has the following columns.
An external key that, combined with the Control_ key, uniquely identifies a control.
External key to column one of the Dialog table.
An external key that, combined with the Dialog_ key, uniquely identifies a control.
External key to column two of the Control table.
An identifier that specifies the type of event that should take place when the user interacts with the control specified by Dialog_ and Control_. Any control type can register as a publisher or subscriber of some event. For a list of possible values, see Control Overview. To set a property, put [Property_Name] in this field and the new value in the argument field ({ } for Null).
A value used as a modifier when triggering a particular event. For example, the argument of the NewDialog ControlEvent or the SpawnDialog ControlEvent is the name of the dialog. The argument of the Install action is a number defining the install level, and so forth.
A standard conditional statement that specifies under which conditions an event should be triggered. If this statement does not evaluate to TRUE, the event does not take place. May be left blank.
An integer used to order several events tied to the same control. May be left blank.
Non-negative numbers only.