ActionText Table

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The ActionText table contains text to be displayed in a progress dialog and written to the log for actions that take a noticeably long time to execute. The text displayed consists of the action description and optionally formatted data from the action.

The ActionText table has the following columns.

Column Type Key Nullable
Action Identifier Y N
Description Text Y
Template Template Y


Name of the action.

Primary table key.

Localized description displayed in the progress dialog or written to the log when the action is executing.
Optional localized format template used to format action data records for display during action execution. If no template is supplied, the action data is not displayed.


The entries in the ActionText table typically refer to actions in sequence tables. However, there are other "pseudo-actions" performed by the installer that are not listed in the sequence table but still require text to be specified in this table. These required entries are listed below. The action name and template must be authored exactly as given, but the description may be customized.

Action Description Template
Rollback Undoes actions. [1]
RollbackCleanup Removes old files. [1]
GenerateScript Generates system operations for action. [1]