DoAction Method

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This is the DoAction method of the MsiEngine object. This method executes the action function corresponding to the name supplied. If the name is not recognized by the engine as a built-in action or as a custom action in the CustomAction table, the name is passed to the DoAction method of the MsiHandler object, which may either invoke a function or a dialog box. If a Null action name is supplied, the engine uses the uppercase value of the ACTION property as the action to perform. If no property value is defined, the default action is performed, currently defined as INSTALL. This method returns an integer enumeration.




MsiEngine object.
Required string name of the action to execute. Case-sensitive.


iesNoAction = 0 Action not invoked, most likely does not exist.
iesSuccess = 1 IDOK, completed actions successfully.
iesUserExit = 2 IDCANCEL, user terminated prematurely.
iesFailure = 3 IDABORT, unrecoverable error occurred.
iesSuspend = 4 IDRETRY, sequence suspended, to be resumed later.
iesFinished = 5 IDIGNORE, skip remaining actions, not an error.
iesWrongState = 6 Calling sequence error, not in initialized state.
iesBadActionData = 7 Invalid action table condition or missing custom action.