ColumnInfo Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This is the ColumnInfo property of the MsiView object. This property returns an MsiRecord object containing the requested information about each column in the result set. Either the column names or the column definitions may be requested. Constants supplied in the Select list do not have names.




MsiView object.
Required information needed for each column:
iciNames = 0 Return names of all non-constant columns in result set.
iciTypes = 1 Return definitions of all columns in result set.


Column Definition Format

Each column is described by a string in the corresponding record field. The definition string consists of a single letter representing the data type followed by the width of the column (in characters when applicable, or else bytes). A width of zero designates an unbounded width (long text fields and streams). An uppercase letter indicates that Null values are allowed in the column.

Column descriptor Definition string
s? String, variable length (?=1-255)
s0 String, variable length
i2 Short integer
i4 Long integer
v0 Binary Stream
g? Temporary string (?=0-255)
j? Temporary integer (?=0,1,2,4)