Message Method

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This is the Message method of the MsiEngine object. This method performs any enabled logging operations and defers execution to the UI handler object associated with the engine. Logging may be selectively enabled for the various message types. See the EnableLog method. If record field 0 contains a formatting string, it is used to format the data in the other fields. Else if the message is an error, warning, or user message, an attempt is made to find a message template in the Error table for the current database using the error number found in field 1 of the record for message types and return values.


object.Message(kind, record)


MsiEngine object.
Required message type; one of imtEnum.
Required MsiRecord object containing a message-specific field.


Processing by Message Types

imtOutOfMemory Logged if 'm' in LOGMODE; passed to handler.
imtError Logged if 'e' in LOGMODE; passed to handler.
imtWarning Logged if 'w' in LOGMODE; passed to handler.
imtUser Logged if 'u' in LOGMODE; passed to handler.
imtInfo Logged if 'i' in LOGMODE; not passed to handler.
imtDiagnostic Logged if 'd' in LOGMODE; not passed to handler if log enabled.
imtCommonData Logged if 'c' in LOGMODE; passed to handler to cache.
imtActionStart Logged if 'a' in LOGMODE; passed to handler for progress display.
imtActionData Logged if 'r' in LOGMODE; passed to handler for progress display.
imtProgress Never logged; passed to handler progress gauge.
imtActionDone Never logged; passed to handler to remove progress dialog box.

Message Record Fields

Return Values