EvaluateCondition Method

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This is the EvaluateCondition method of the MsiEngine object. This method evaluates a logical expression containing symbols and values and returns an integer of the enumeration iecEnum.




MsiEngine object.
Required string containing the logical expression. See MsiEvaluateCondition for the expression syntax.


iecFalse = 0 Expression evaluates to False.
iecTrue = 1 Expression evaluates to True.
iecNone = 2 Expression is not present; caller decides interpretation.
iecError = 3 Syntax error in expression; cannot be evaluated.

Feature and Component State Values

2 (iisAbsent) Feature or component is not present.
3 (iisLocal) Feature or component is on a local machine.
4 (iecSource Feature or component runs from source.
(Null value) No action to be taken on feature or component.

Note  These states are not set until the SetInstallLevel method is called, either directly or by the CostFinalize action. Therefore, state checking is generally only useful in conditional expression in an action sequence table.