FeatureCost Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This is the FeatureCost property of the MsiEngine object. This property returns the total amount of disk space (in units of 512 bytes) required by the specified feature and that of all the feature's parent features (up to the root of the Feature table). For each feature, the total cost is made up of the disk costs attributed to every component linked to the feature.


object.FeatureCost(feature, costTree, state)


MsiEngine object.
Required string name of the feature item whose cost is to be retrieved.
Required portion of the feature tree branch to cost, one of the following:
ictSelfOnly = 0
ictChildren = 1
ictParents = 2
ictProduct = 3 (not supported at this time)

Required element that specifies the action state to use when determining the feature cost. For example, if Local is specified, FeatureCost returns the disk space required if the specified feature and all its parent features were to be installed locally.
iisAbsent = 2
iisLocal = 3
iisSource = 4