Sending an Array of Bytes in a Message

Sending messages consists of opening a queue with send access, creating the message, calling the Send method, and then closing the queue. The following procedure and example code show how this is done when sending a message whose body contains an array of bytes.

    To send an array of bytes in a message body
  1. Declare QueueInfo, Queue, and Message objects. This example uses one set of Queue and Message objects for sending the message and another set of Queue and Message objects for receiving the message.
    Dim qinfo As New MSMQQueueInfo
    Dim qSend As MSMQQueue
    Dim qReceive As MSMQQueue
    Dim mSend As New MSMQMessage
    Dim mReceive As MSMQMessage
  2. Create a destination queue and open it with send access. This example creates a public queue on the local computer.
    qinfo.PathName = ".\SendTest"
    qinfo.Label = "Send Message Test"
    On Error Resume Next          'Ignore if queue already exists.
    On Error GoTo 0
    Set qSend = qinfo.Open(MQ_SEND_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE)
  3. Send the message with an array of bytes in the message body.
    Dim aByte(5) As Byte
    Dim Counter As Integer
    'Populate the array
    For Counter = LBound(aByte) To UBound(aByte)
        aByte(Counter) = CByte(Counter)
    mSend.Label = "Byte Array Message"
    mSend.Body = aByte
    mSend.Send qSend
  4. Open the destination queue with receive access and retrieve the message. This example removes the message from the queue.
    Set qReceive = qinfo.Open(MQ_RECEIVE_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE)
    Set mReceive = qReceive.Receive
  5. Verify that the body of the retrieved message body is an array of bytes.
    If TypeName(mReceive.Body) = "Byte()" Then
       MsgBox "The retrieved message body is an array of bytes."
       MsgBox "The retrieved message body is not an array of bytes."
    End If

Example Code

The following example creates a destination queue, sends a message whose body contains a byte array, retrieves the message, and tests the retrieved message body to see if it is an array of bytes.

Option Explicit

Dim qinfo As New MSMQQueueInfo
Dim qSend As MSMQQueue
Dim qReceive As MSMQQueue
Dim mSend As New MSMQMessage
Dim mReceive As MSMQMessage

Private Sub Form_Click()
  ' Create a destination queue and open it with SEND access.
  qinfo.PathName = ".\SendTest"
  qinfo.Label = "Send Message Test"
  On Error Resume Next          'Ignore if queue already exists.
  On Error GoTo 0
  Set qSend = qinfo.Open(MQ_SEND_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE)
  ' Send message with an array of bytes.
  Dim aByte(5) As Byte
  Dim Counter As Integer
  'Populate the array
  For Counter = LBound(aByte) To UBound(aByte)
      aByte(Counter) = CByte(Counter)

  mSend.Label = "Array of Bytes Message"
  mSend.Body = aByte
  mSend.Send qSend
  ' Open the destination queue with RECEIVE access, and
  ' retrieve the message. The retrieved message body is tested
  ' to verify it is an array of bytes.
  Set qReceive = qinfo.Open(MQ_RECEIVE_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE)
  Set mReceive = qReceive.Receive
  If TypeName(mReceive.Body) = "Byte()" Then
     MsgBox "The retrieved message body is an array of bytes."
     MsgBox "The retrieved message body is not an array of bytes."
  End If
End Sub