Properties    Methods

The MSMQMailEMail object represents an e-mail message. The e-mail message can be a form with several fields, a text message with a single text body, a MAPI TNEF message, or a delivery or non-delivery report.

The following properties define the e-mail message.

Property What it does
ContentType Specifies the type of e-mail: form, text message, MAPI TNEF message, delivery report, or non-delivery report.
DeliveryReportData Defines a delivery report (MSMQMailDeliveryReportData object).
DestinationQueueLabels Provides the label of each destination queue needed to send the MSMQ mail message (read-only).
FormData Defines an e-mail form (MSMQMailFormData object).
NonDeliveryReportData Defines a non-delivery report (MSMQMailNonDeliveryReportData object).
Recipients Specifies who receives the e-mail (MSMQMailRecipientList object).
RequestDeliveryReport Specifies whether a delivery report should be returned when the message is delivered to a recipient.
RequestNonDeliveryReport Specifies whether a non-delivery report should be returned when the message is not delivered to a recipient.
Sender Specifies who sent the e-mail (MSMQMailRecipient object).
Subject Specifies the subject of the e-mail.
SubmissionTime Indicates when the message was sent.
TextMessageData Defines a single-body text message (MSMQMailTextMessageData object).
TnefData Defines a MAPI TNEF message (MSMQMailTnefData object).

The MSMQMailEMail object's methods provide a means to compose and parse an e-mail message.


  Windows NT: Requires version 4.0 SP3 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Import Library: Included as a resource in mqmailoa.dll.
  Unicode: Defined only as Unicode.