MSMQ Computers

MSMQ computers are defined as machine objects within the MSMQ enterprise. Machine objects are created and maintained by the MSMQ administrator via the MSMQ Explorer and cannot be created, modified, or deleted using the MSMQ SDK.

Applications can retrieve the following properties of existing machine objects:

Property Description
PROPID_QM_CONNECTION Identifies the Connected Network (CN) list of the computer.
PROPID_QM_ENCRYPTION_PK Identifies the public encryption key of the computer.
PROPID_QM_MACHINE_ID Identifies the computer.
PROPID_QM_PATHNAME Identifies the MSMQ pathname of the computer.
PROPID_QM_SITE_ID Identifies the MSMQ site where the computer is defined.

These properties are retrieved by calling MQGetMachineProperties. For example, if the computer's identifier is needed for the format name of a queue, specify PROPID_QM_MACHINE_ID in the MQGetMachineProperties call to retrieve the computer's identifier. Once the call returns the identifier, it can be translated to a string and included in the format name of the queue.